Contentious Probate FAQs

4 min read1. What Does Contentious Probate Mean? The term ‘contentious probate’ is used in reference to a wide range of disputes and disagreements that may occur when allocating the estate and assets of a deceased individual to beneficiaries. Examples of this may include disputes regarding the validity of a deceased person’s will, issues regarding the interpretation … Read more

Litigation and Disputes

7 min readAt Aristone Solicitors, our litigation and dispute lawyers have extensive experience representing high-profile clients across the UK. Our expertise extends to all types of complex, sensitive, and time-critical disputes spanning a broad range of key sectors, including technology, healthcare, finance, infrastructure, energy, transport, life sciences, and more. Our team works hard to both prevent and … Read more

Defending a Civil Dispute Claim

4 min readOn occasion, a civil dispute can escalate to such an extent that one of the parties involved feels it necessary to launch court proceedings. If you have received formal notification that court action is being taken against you, it is essential to seek appropriate legal support as promptly as possible. Otherwise, you run the risk … Read more

Employment Law vs Immigration Law Part 1 – Can Employers Reject Job Applicants who do not have Right to Work in the UK?

3 min readThe relationship between Employment Law and Immigration Law can be tricky and awkward. They are two separate areas of law but it can get complex when they cross paths. In some scenarios, they may complement each other and other times, they create conflicting situations, making it dicey for employers. Let’s first understand what both areas … Read more

Four Tips for Effective Financial Settlement After a Breakdown in Marriage – Straight from the Family Law Experts

2 min readHandling a dispute can be very stressful and sometimes, even risky. After all the struggle and sleepless nights, when a dispute gets resolved, a new challenge arises – ensuring that the settlement is well documented. This is crucial because if you do not get it done properly, complex issues can arise in later months or … Read more

The Myth of ‘Common Law Marriage’

3 min read‘Common law marriage’ is the term used to describe cohabiting couples who enjoy most of the same legal rights and recognitions as a married couple, despite choosing not to partake in a legal ceremony. While existing in some states in America, common law marriage is not recognised in England and Wales. Relationship Breakdown In the … Read more

My child is at risk of being abducted outside the Jurisdiction – What should I do?

2 min readWhen someone takes a child, who is under the age of 16, outside the UK without appropriate consent from those who have parental responsibility, it is called Child Abduction. Under the Child Abduction Act 1984, Child Abduction is a criminal offence. In most cases, consent is needed from the mother, father, or guardian. In certain … Read more

How does the UK view Islamic Marriages?

2 min readWhether an Islamic marriage is recognised in law within the United Kingdom largely depends on the circumstances of where the marriage took place. Let us consider two different scenarios: If a couple has undertaken the Sharia marriage ceremony, usually called “Nikah”, in the UK, but did not have a civil marriage, the marriage will not … Read more

Understanding Court Procedure for Child Arrangements

3 min readWhen handling matters of child arrangements after separation, the child or children’s welfare is of paramount importance to the Court. When the Court receives an application, it first refers the case to the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS). Prior to the first hearing, CAFCASS will do the following: CAFCASS will strive … Read more

Euromillions Jackpot at £191m – the importance of settling matrimonial finances

2 min readDivorced couples believe that, once the divorce is finalised, all ties financial or otherwise to each other are severed. However, a divorce brings only the marriage to an end. Either party to the marriage could, in future, make a financial claim. Whether or not financial proceedings have been dismissed, a general rule of thumb is … Read more