How does the Court handle Financial Disputes in a Divorce or Dissolution?

3 min readIf you want to resolve a financial dispute with your former spouse or civil partner, you need to make an application to the Court. The party making the application is called ‘Applicant’ and the other party is called ‘Respondent’. Before each hearing, the applicant is responsible for preparing all the documents needed for the case. … Read more

5 Questions about Spousal maintenance Answered

3 min readSpousal maintenance is the payment made to the former spouse after getting a divorce. There are two types of maintenance orders. When does Spousal Maintenance become necessary? It becomes necessary in the following situations When determining the duration of spousal maintenance, the Court will consider how long it would take for the receiving party to … Read more

Joint Tenants and Tenants in Common – What’s the difference?

2 min readWhen you jointly own a property with someone, you cannot sell or mortgage it without the consent of the other party. There are two types of joint property ownership. Let’s briefly discuss each type. If you own a property with someone as ‘Joint Tenants’, the property automatically goes to the other party when you die. … Read more

Business impacted by Covid-19

2 min readCoronavirus and Small Businesses According to a survey, 67% of small businesses have had to close temporarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is estimated that, on average, a small business owner will face a loss of £11,799. Although the impact seems to be severe, small businesses have shown great resilience and due to this, all hope is … Read more

Force Majeure Clause

4 min readA force majeure clause is a clause in a contract that excuses one or both parties from fulfilling their part of the contract if they are unable to do so due to an unexpected incident. The event, which could be a natural disaster, an epidemic, or an action by the government, is called a force … Read more

Business Interruption Insurance

2 min readDue to the COVID-19 pandemic, many small businesses had to unexpectedly close down, resulting in significant losses. If you are a business owner who went through this ordeal, you may naturally wonder if your insurance policy would cover for your losses. It depends on the type of cover you have chosen and whether the policy … Read more

What can be done if sponsor licence is suspended?

3 min readIf your sponsor licence has been suspended, you need to prepare a suspension response. To do so, take the following steps: Note of caution: With the suspension response, you are trying to get your licence reinstated. The Home Office will do so only if it can trust that your organization will be cooperative and comply … Read more

Kim and Kanye Divorcing: Should more of us consider a Pre-Nuptial Agreement?

2 min readKim Kardashian and Kanye West are getting divorced. Reports so far have commented on how amicable the process has been, given that the division of their significant assets (collectively said to be worth over $2 billion), will be based upon their prenuptial agreement. Pre-nuptial agreements are a prerequisite when it comes to celebrity marriages and … Read more

Care costs in the UK – How you can reduce the burden?

2 min readAround 400,000 people in the UK live in care homes. The cost of living in a care home varies depending on the region and the kind of care you need. Nursing care costs more than residential care. For people with dementia, care costs are even higher since specialist care would be needed in such situations. … Read more