What is a trust and how does it work?

3 min readA trust is a legal structure created to hold assets including money, possessions, real estate and other investments for beneficiaries. Trusts created in England & Wales can be of varying types each of which is taxed in a different way. A trust will include 3 entities Why do people create trusts? A trust is created … Read more

No Extension for Stamp Duty Holiday!

2 min readWhen you buy a home or a piece of land in the UK, a percentage of the property price is to be paid as ‘stamp duty’. Generally, no stamp duty is levied on properties that are £125,000 or under. However, in July of last year, Chancellor Rishi Sunak had announced that the stamp duty threshold … Read more

How to deal with delays from the Home Office reaching a decision on your Immigration Application

3 min readDealing with delays from the Home Office reaching a decision on your Immigration Application? Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Home Office has sought to justify several reasons that delays in decision-making have arose. However, despite these reasons, whether it be a direct cause of Covid-19 and the consequences of Brexit; or simply because of … Read more

What allowances are available on Inheritance Tax?

2 min readInheritance Tax is the tax on an estate of a person who has died. The estate includes everything the person owns (property, money & assets) and any property or money they had given as a gift in the seven years prior to death. If the estate’s value is £325,000 or below, no inheritance tax has … Read more

What is Right to Build and how will it benefit you?

3 min readThe ‘Right to Build’ scheme was launched by the government in 2016 in an effort to improve the housing market in the UK. The whole idea was to encourage people to build or commission their own homes instead of purchasing already-built homes. Under the ‘Right to Build’ scheme, those who want to build or commission … Read more

New Year, New Immigration Laws. What does the point-based system mean for you?

3 min readOn the 11th November 2020, it was officially announced that the Immigration Act 2020 had received Royal Assent to end free movement on New Year’s Eve. The new Immigration Law will close the book on free movement and transform the United Kingdom’s Immigration system into a single point’s-based system consisting of tiers that offer routes … Read more

What travel restrictions will UK nationals face post Brexit?

3 min readFrom 1st January 2021, UK nationals will come under some travel restrictions when visiting countries in the EU. First of all, due to COVID-19, EU countries are not allowing travellers from other countries. Now, even the UK nationals will not be allowed. However, a few individual countries in the EU may allow for restriction-free travel. … Read more

Family Law Solicitors

3 min readWe take all family law cases personally Relationship breakdowns can be tough on the whole family. For a fast and amicable outcome, you need committed and capable legal representation. Aristone Solicitors is proud to offer the all-round legal support you need to effectively resolve your family matters. Our experienced family lawyer will be assigned to your case … Read more

Why should you make a Lasting Power of Attorney?

3 min readAn attorney is someone who can help you make decisions or who can make decisions on your behalf. He or she becomes important if, at some point, you lose your mental capacity to make decisions due to an accident, illness or old age. To appoint an attorney, you must prepare a legal document called a … Read more