Can I get Equity Loan during COVID-19?

2 min readDo you desire to own a home? Most likely you do. But maybe you feel overwhelmed when you think about the expense involved. To help you buy your own home, the government offers equity loan. You can take an equity loan of up to 20% of the property price (In London, it can be up … Read more

Government allocates £125 million to local councils to support Domestic Abuse Victims

2 min readNo matter where you live, domestic violence and abuse is an atrocious crime that should not be tolerated. It has long-lasting traumatic effects on victims as well as their children. Looking at the seriousness of the issue, offering aid to domestic abuse victims should be a priority for local councils. Ever since the lockdown due … Read more

How much does it cost to contest a will?

< 1 min readThe cost involved in contesting a will depends on the nature of the dispute, the number of parties involved and the willingness of the parties to negotiate or compromise. If the dispute can be resolved by mediation, the costs can be reduced. However, if the dispute goes to Court the costs will be much higher … Read more

What is a trust and how does it work?

3 min readA trust is created to manage assets like money, possessions, properties, and other investments for people. In the UK, different types of trusts can be created and each type is taxed in a different way. A trust will include 3 entities Why do people create a trust? A trust is created for one or more … Read more

Who can contest a Will?

< 1 min readWills can be contested by anyone having an interest therein on account of mistake, uncertainty, duress and fraud but the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 (“the 1975 Act”) permits the following people to mount a challenge if they are of the view that the deceased’s will does not make adequate provision for … Read more

How to exclude a child from your will?

< 1 min readGiven that the law of England & Wales permits freedom of testamentary disposition it is possible to exclude a child from your will. However, a disinherited child may contest your will under the 1975 Act claiming that you have not made reasonable financial provision for them. It is likely that he or she will retain … Read more

How can I inherit my partner’s property without a Will?

< 1 min readIn a marriage or civil partnership, you automatically inherit your partner’s estate under the intestacy rules if your partner had no children and a defined share of the estate if there are children or other issue. This follows even if you are separated. If you are divorced or your civil partnership has ended, you cannot … Read more