Contentious Probate During the Covid-19 Crisis

2 min read

The Covid-19 crisis has brought with it unprecedented uncertainty and challenges for families up and down the UK. One of which being the extremely sensitive issue of handling the administration of a deceased individual’s estate, having lost their life suddenly and unexpectedly to this terrible disease.

Now more than ever, it is important to understand your obligations and entitlements in a legal sense, if the worst should happen to a close friend or family member. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the allocation of a deceased individual’s assets or would like to discuss contesting a will that has already been enacted, contact a member of the team at Aristone Solicitors today.

Understanding Contentious Probate

One of the many dire consequences of the coronavirus pandemic has been many thousands of people losing their lives unexpectedly and before their time. Many of whom may not have prepared a valid will before their death, or left behind a final will and testament that was unclear, incomplete or ambiguous.

In such instances, the closest family members and friends of the deceased may face the additional challenge of ensuring the individual’s assets and estate are distributed in a manner that reflects their wishes. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for one or more individuals to dispute this allocation of the assets – even in instances where a deceased individual has made their intentions perfectly clear.

Contentious probate refers to any type of disagreement or dispute, with regard to the administration (distribution) of a deceased person’s estate. Such disputes can primarily concern the allocation of specific assets, the equal/disproportionate distribution of assets, the recipients included in the deceased party’s will and so on.

Disputes may also occur when any individual connected with the deceased party disagrees with the decisions made by the executors – those responsible for the distribution of the estate/assets.

Whichever side of the argument you find yourself on, we can help. Contact a member of the team at Aristone Solicitors today for an obligation-free consultation with a member of our legal team.

Sensitive and Supportive Legal Advice

The current situation in the United Kingdom and the rest of the world calls for a particularly sensitive and empathetic approach to all issues involving contentious probate. However, the importance of urgency when contesting a will or disputing the decisions of executors remains unchanged.

If you believe you have a fair and justified reason for contesting the will of a deceased individual, action should be taken as early as possible to ensure an amicable outcome. Possible reasons for contesting a will include the following:

  • The deceased party’s will is outdated or no longer relevant
  • The deceased party was not in sound mind when the will was written
  • The will is in any way ambiguous or open to interpretation
  • There are significant gaps in the will’s content
  • The deceased party may have been coerced or influenced by others
  • The will may have been produced fraudulently

At Aristone Solicitors, we understand the additional challenges the Covid-19 crisis has caused, particularly as the UK remains in a state of lockdown.  Nevertheless, we also strongly recommend seeking expert legal advice and support at the earliest possible juncture, if you believe you have any just cause to contest a deceased individual’s will.

For more information or to discuss your case in more detail, contact a member of the team at Aristone Solicitors anytime.

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Contentious Probate

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